Learn successful beekeeping with The Bartlett Bee Whisperer.
David Glover
“The Bartlett Bee Whisperer”
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Need extra tutoring? David is not only a great beekeeper, but he’s also an incredible mentor.
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Improve your beekeeping.
Make honey. Make money.
Knowing what goes on inside a bee’s brain is 99% of successful beekeeping. David understands the psychology of a bee and that’s why he’s been the number one mentor for many aspiring beekeepers. His tutoring has allowed all beekeepers; from hobbyists to non-profits to commercial beekeepers, to produce honey that has made them money.
You won’t find the key tips in any book. You can spend money and time reading bee books and never reach your full potential because most bee books give basic, general info. But many books rarely dive into the psychology of bees. There’s a reason why he’s called “The Bartlett Bee Whisperer.”